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And just like that, I feel back on track.  Thanks Law and Order:SVU.  But seriously, I’ve been a faithful fan of this show through the (many!) years it’s been on.  The acting is always solid, and many times their message is one that never hurts to be sent again.

Last night was a tough one for me.  A young man identifies as a girl-at the school she attends that isn’t common. Many of the kids there aren’t exposed or even open to this type of gender identification.  As the young woman is minding her own business, three boys start to tease her.  Words are exchanged, and eventually the young woman is pushed off a bridge, by a scared and stupid young man.  What pissed me off about this is that the young man that pushed her is the only one that seems genuinely remorseful. He hides in a bookstore, crying and drawing to get his pain out. The kids that filmed it, the other two boys that taunted her-no big deal.

What ensues is a tragdy, and as the mother of a gay young man things like this always hurt.  One wrong move from our son in high school, a ‘dirty look’ to the wrong kid-that could of been our son.

On the one hand, I dislike the term’ protected class’ when it comes to the LGBQT community. The idea is for inclusion, not special treatment.  On the other hand, just two years ago, the idea of our son being able to legally marry the young man he eventually falls in love with was but a pipe dream-so Roy and I understand why the term applies.

Corey was bullied in high school. Roy and I ALWAYS told him to be himself, but we also tried to make sure he understood that there are a lot of closed minds out there. That not everyone is accepting. Roy stressed to him-and to all the boys-that you NEVER start a fight, but don’t’ back down either. Be proud of who you are, stand tall.

When I hear of things like the situation in the show last night, I’m reminded that could of been our son.  It could of been one of the younger boys-who would stand up to bullies that teased their brother as well.  It could be me. I’m a very vocal supporter of a lot of things many deem unacceptable-gay marriage and the right to choose come to mind.

I’m tired of hearing “Love the sinner, not the sin.” Because sometimes I don’t think people understand how closely those they love are to them.

My husband is my heart. I always tell him that he and the boys-it’s why I live, why I’m so happy and have some a full heart. IF me simply saying I was Roy’s wife was met with scorn, ridicule or not recognized by our governing body-it would break a little bit of me every day.  I have such pride in being his wife. I do not identify solely as Roy’s wife, but it IS a large part of who I am-and I’m damn proud of that. IF my loving him was a sin, I would truly wonder where me (the sinner) ended, and where my sin began-because it’s a part of who I am.  A deep and integral part.  So, I’ll just come right out and say it-this love the sinner not the sin movement-bullshit.

It’s an easy way to avoid being labeled prejudiced, or homophobic. It’s a way to avoid being called a bigot, and appearing to be accepting, but the end result is-one that subscribes to that notion IS not accepting of a gay couple.

And I’ll even go so far as to say-I’m ok with that!  IF you can understand who my son loves has NOTHING to do with you.  His marriage to the young man that eventually wins his heart, has nothing to do with you.  It in no way negates or degrades YOUR marriage or relationship.  So why do you care?  Why does the idea of gay men and women being able to marry scare you so much?

How is insulting them, or hurting them or even murdering them give you any peace?  How does it help YOUR cause?

Now, I’ve been in many a debate about this-some friendly, and some downright ugly. I’ve been called intolerant because of my stance-to which I say, why should I tolerate your hatred?  You want to dislike gays, you want to hate them, they disgust you-fine.  Keep it to yourself.  And I’ll keep my disgust with your attitude to myself.

family Gay gay teens homosexuality Law and Order Law and Order:SVU LGBQT Marriage parenting
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